Shipping and Taxes

The prices of  products displayed does not include Shipping & Handling charges. When you add an item to the shopping cart, shopping cart show the different shipping options and charges and you can choose appropriate mode of shipping.Shipping & Handling Charges Depends On

  • Weight of the item (including packing materials)
  • Size / Volume of the item
  • Mode and speed of shipping

Shipping charges does not include Custom Duties/Octroi

Custom Duty implies taxes / custom duties charged by your govt. / custom officers for importing products.

Customer Satisfaction

At Bharatanatyamworld, we are committed to complete customer satisfaction by offering excellent customer service, best quality products, and the ultimate shopping experience. We make sure that only the products that meet or exceed our stringent quality guidelines are shipped to you. We carefully choose our vendors who comply with our quality standards and share our vision of quality and customer service. At any time while you are shopping, or after you purchase any item. Please feel free to contact us with your comments, complaints and feedback to help us improve.

Refunds and Returns

Despite our best efforts, we understand that there might be times when you are not completely satisfied with products and would like to return the item. Bharatanatyamworld will accept returns; ONLY IF the item has not been used and is returned in original re-saleable condition. There are no charges/no restocking fee on returns.

Returning shipping charges if any will always be paid by customer.


FREE ReplacementsIf you receive a damaged, please contact us by email within two days of receiving the product.

Check your parcel in front of delivery person for any breakages to help up take claim from them. Damage, if found any should be shown to delivery man and refuse to take parcel without the undertaking that they have delivered a broken piece. Inform us, and email us the scanned copy of the undertaking at

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